11 research outputs found

    Notfall in der Palliative Care? : High Fidelity Simulationen im Studiengang BSc Pflege

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    High Fidelity Simulationen fokussieren aktuell kaum auf Szenarien der Palliative Care und der Familienzentrierten Pflege. Im Studiengang “Bachelor of Science in Pflege” der ZHAW wurde ein neuartiges Simulationsszenario entwickelt, das auf einer palliativen Pflegesituation mit exazerbierender Pathophysiologie und im psychosozialen Kontext basiert. Das Szenario mit einer High Fidelity Simulationspuppe (Patientin) wird durch die Präsenz eines Familienmitglieds am Bett (Schauspielerin) ergänzt. Das zentrale Debriefing wird zusätzlich durch Feedbacks durch die Schauspielerin und Peer-to-Peer unterstützt. Basierend auf den gut etablierten CRM-Leitsätzen wurden neuartige Patient Family Crew Resource (PF-CRM) Kriterien entwickelt. Diese stellen nicht nur das Teamwork der involvierten Studierenden, sondern auch ihre Kommunikation mit der Patientin und der Familienangehörigen ins Zentrum. Die Erfahrungen der Autorinnen zeigen, dass dieser Lernansatz von Studierenden und Dozierenden gut akzeptiert und geschätzt wird. Das beschriebene Szenario ist ideal, um den Studierenden transformatives Lernen hin zu Best Practice in Palliative Care zu ermöglichen, bei dem sie verschiedene Herangehensweisen überprüfen, ihr Wissen/ihre Fertigkeiten weiterentwickeln und lernen verantwortungsvolle Entscheidungen zu treffen. Es ist geplant in Zukunft weitere Professionen ins Szenario miteinzubeziehen. Die PF-CRM Kriterien können ebenfalls in traditionellen interprofessionellen akutmedizinischen High Fidelity Simulationen eingesetzt werden, da auch dort die Kommunikation mit Patientinnen, Patienten und Familienangehörigen zentral sein kann

    Going online and maintaining the multi-professional team approach

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    Background: – The Covid-19 pandemic limited health professionals meeting directly with families, as well as limiting sharing within families – Since then, the multi-professional team of the Family Systems Care Unit has also been meeting with families online, while conducting face-to-face online supervision for health professionals Challenges: – Lack ofbody-to-body interaction (Turkle, 2020) – Feelings of frustration or shame when digital literacy is lacking (Rohr, 2020) – Setting must be prepared: stable internet-connection, end-to-end key-software (Weinberg, H., 2020) – An informed consent clarifies the rights and obligations during the interview and for the recording Opportunities: – The families' experiences can later benefit teaching and research – Range extension, no travel time – Mutual support in dealing with digital skills across generations – Disturbances must be addressed and relation to current dynamics of the group support all members (Rohr, N., 2022) – Family clinicians benefits from their support team – Collective waiting rooms before and at the end of a session offer all participants the opportunity to arrive in time before and allow for farewell afterwards Discussion: – Further research on family care online conversations is necessary, on specific elements of online group sessions, such as building cohesion and therapeutic presence online, and into how the working partnership and cohesion are formed in online groups compared to face-to-face groups Conclusion: – The combination of online family conversation and simultaneous online live supervision enablespositive outcomesforfamilies and the team – Online pre-and post-sessions and the team's background presence support the counsellor and enable high-level family conversations – Online family conversations and team collaboration are effective when pace and communication style are adapted to the online setting (Rohr, N., 2022) – Alleviating suffering is possible by creating a context for change (Wright & Bell, 2021) – Despitegeographical and physical distance familiescan speak about difficult topics with professional suppor

    Ein optimales Medikamentenmanagement bei oralen Tumormedikamenten ist Familiensache

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    Die Themen Medikamentenadhärenz, Selbstmanagement sowie Patienten- und Familienedukation rücken durch die Zunahme der oralen Tumortherapien in der Onkologie in den Fokus. Durch eine Verschiebung vom stationären zum ambulanten Bereich verkürzen sich Konsultations- und Beratungszeiten. Dies stellt für die Betroffene und die Involvierten im Gesundheitswesen eine Herausforderung dar

    Commending in family-nursing conversations : a single case study "Talking Helps?! It Depends On The Attitude Of The Consultant"

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    Background and Purpose: Commendations are known as effective family system nursing intervention. However, the process of how commendations are applied and become effective is not yet sufficiently understood. Therefore, this case study aimed to provide a detailed and in-depth description of the phenomenon of commendations. Methods: A single case study was conducted using the case of a family counseling process. Video and audio recordings of three counseling cycles were broken down using a within- and cross-case analysis. In particular, the cross-case analysis enabled the comparison in the course of the counseling process. Results: The phenomenon manifests itself in latent relationship messages or the form of explicit appreciation conveyed by the consultant. Through four different phases (establishing a relationship, listening, acknowledging suffering as well as strength and experiences), it becomes apparent during the process that commending is part of actively shaping the conversation and building a cooperative relationship. The key element is the nonjudgmental, benevolent attitude of the consultant. It becomes clear that commendation seems to be more than just an intervention, as it is strongly connected to attitude. To account more precisely for the processual nature as well as the latent communication, the phenomenon is referred to as "commending." Conclusions and Implications: These insights can support nurses and other health professionals to reflect on their attitudes and advance their clinical practice. These results suggest that a deliberate focus on attitude development in practice as well as in teaching could be useful

    Familienzentrierte Pflege : Lehrbuch fĂĽr Familien-Assessment und Interventionen

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    Original Buch: Wright & Leahey’s Nurses and Families (2019). (7. Ed.) Philadelphia: Davis Compan